What is dental tourism?

In Macedonia, dentistry has reached the highest level of modern technologies and methods for tooth treatment, using the most advanced dental tools and equipment. The prices of dental services in Macedonia are much more affordable compared to many other countries in Europe and the world.

A branch of medical tourism called dental tourism involves going outside your country to use dental services and often includes a mini-vacation. This way, you enrich yourself with a new experience and a new smile at the same time while taking a break from the usual everyday life, and additionally, the prices of dental services are more affordable! Our dental practice offers tourists such high-class service at affordable prices. The Luka Dent dental practice has hosted many patients from abroad during its long-standing existence and provided them with the dental service they were looking for, under the best conditions.

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How does dental tourism function?

Communication via e-mail has proven to be the best choice in contacting our team. The practice is to send a description of your problem, desires, plans, and questions via e-mail. As part of the email, it is mandatory to send a 3D scan of both jaws in order to have a better insight into the analysis of the anatomical structures, i.e. the condition of your teeth and bones. After a detailed analysis, our team will prepare a treatment procedure and suggest all possible options (if there are more). We will explain the whole procedure, which interventions are needed, the duration and explanation of each intervention, how many visits are needed, and the time it would take, and of course, estimate the costs for the entire treatment.

Also, the Luka Dent practice offers free transportation from the airport to patients from abroad and free accommodation in the center of Skopje in a beautiful and warm atmosphere.

Enjoying Macedonia should be an unforgettable experience and a beautiful smile that you will take home with you.

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